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We have been asked lots of times about Spanish books we have at the nursery and the best books to read in Spanish.

So we put together some lists by age of all the books we have.


The best option is to read books that you already know, so you will know the meaning of some words.

Also if you listen to someone reading it, you will know the correct pronunciation.
As you read, you can ask the children some words in Spanish saying: "What is this?" or "¿Qué es esto?" 

This way, you are keeping their attention and in each book they will learn new vocabulary that they will associate with a story.


Below, you can find some books. You can listen to them in English and in Spanish, and if you want to, you can buy them using the link.








1. If you`re happy and you know it.../ Si te sientes bien contento...

2. Primeras palabras

3. ¿Eres mi mamá?

4. Números

5. Where is the green sheep? ¿Dónde está la oveja verde?

6. Dinus... aprende a nadar

7. Mi libro con sonidos de perritos

8. What so I hear? / ¿qué oigo?

9. Head, shoulders, knees and toes/ cabeza, hombros rodillas y pies

10. Ten little fingers /diez deditos

11. What do I smell? / ¿ Qué huelo?

12. Los números



The very hungry caterpillar

Giraffes can't dance

The colour monster

Elmer the elephant

The mouse who ate the moon

Four little corners

Papa, get the moon for me


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